Our Lay Leaders
On July 12, 2020 Erin Burnette led an installation of those members of Church Council, Endowment Board, Trustees and other positions who had been elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting on May 31st. The litany also included an affirmation of the many volunteers who support the operation and ministries of St. John's through their participation in various church committees, Altar Guild, Sunday School, Choir, Welcome Teams, Tellers, and Sound Board operators, among others. Our church couldn't operate or help those in need in our community without the support of these dedicated volunteers, whom we thank and appreciate. A listing of those installed and recognized follows:
Members of Church Council
Dreama Terrill, President
Scott Siefert, Vice President
Betsy Bighinatti, Treasurer
Jeff Jacobs, Secretary
David Agee
Marcie Agee
Kathy Freise
Daniel Martin
Terri Weaver
Members of Audit Committee
Jeff Michel, Chair
Members of Congregational Life and Care Committee
Scott Siefert, Chair
Betsy Bighinatti
Helena DeLigt
Cheryl Goode
Jeff Jacobs
Andrea Miller
Robin Walsh
Members of Facilities Committee
Richard Bighinatti, Chair
Bud Higgins
Charlie Weaver
Members of Finance Committee
Betsy Bighinatti
Jeff Hetzer
Bud Higgins
Jeff Jacobs
Tony Sharpenstein
Don Stiegler
Members of Mission and Outreach Committee
Marcie Agee, Chair
David Agee
Kathy Freise
Terrie Pendleton
Dreama Terrill
Laura Totty
Terri Weaver
Christine Wing
Members of Worship and Music Committee
Beverly Lindsey, Chair
Richard Bighinatti
David Craig
Bud Higgins
Jeff Jacobs
Scott Siefert
Shirley Townsend
Members of Interim Pastor Search Committee
Beverly Lindsey, Chair
Gary Beasley
Elisabeth Burnette
Daniel Martin
Terrie Pendleton
Members of Endowment Board
Betsy Bighinatti, President
Jeff Hetzer, Vice President
Bud Higgins, Secretary
Tony Sharpenstein, Treasurer
Helen Bunch
Jeff Jacobs
Elizabeth Oxenham
Don Stiegler
Members of Board of Trustees
Rob Osborn, Chair
Sarah Allen (Emeritus)
Jeff Hetzer
Jeff Jacobs
Members of Altar Guild
Johanna Gilbert, Chair
Helen Bunch
Erin Burnette
Dorothy Cook
Lynda Merry
Charlotte Quick
Georgianne Stinnette
Sunday School Teachers
Elisabeth Burnette
Kristina Gilbert
Laura Totty
Members of Teller Team
Bud Higgins, Coordinator
Betsy Bighinatti
Helen Bunch
Jeff Jacobs
Beverly Lindsey
Jeff Michel
Rob Osborn
Tony Sharpenstein
Scott Siefert
Mark Souza
Bread Ministry
Beth Stiegler, Coordinator
Sound System Operators
Richard Bighinatti
Daniel Martin
Jeff Michel
Bruce Miller
David Pittman
Choir Members
Gary Beasley
David Craig
Amber DePass
Helena DeLigt
Lindsey Franklin
Kathy Freise
Bud Higgins
Beverly Lindsey
Daniel Martin
Jeff Michel
Rob Osborn
Anita Sharpenstein
Tony Sharpenstein
Lynn Snyder
David Townsend
Welcome Team Members
Richard Bighinatti, Captain
Lynn Snyder, Captain
Pam Miller, Captain
Helen Bunch, Captain
Betsy Bighinatti
Vijaya Chilukuri
Johanna Gilbert
Chris Hagen
Jeff Jacobs
Bruce Miller
Charlotte Quick
Lynda Merry
Scott Siefert
Beth Stiegler
Don Stiegler
Richard Sumner
Bill Watson